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Writer's pictureFábio Inácio

DAY 16 TO 20 – KM 507,9 TO 698,3

“Here comes the sun turururu!”

The sun is here, the sun is here, I’m so excited, so happy!

On day 16 & 17 I passed by hundreds of people, good weather, good weekend, everybody out in the woods, trail full of people, and lakes full of tents. “Your shirt is awesome”, “love your shirt”, “you are so colorful, so happy” is something that I hear every day I’m here, but this weekend I can tell you that I heard it a few hundred times. I stopped by a lake with more than 100 people around, I took my tent out to dry and jumped in the water – “Take it, I am going home!” – I was sitting down drying myself off when a man came up to me with half an apple, a chocolate bar, and vegetables. Those vegetables and that apple gave me life; the chocolate as well, I cannot lie. Since last week, I have been hearing from those walking north, “Man, you will go crazy when you see Goat Rocks, it is stunning.” To be honest, I didn’t know what they were. I love to be surprised on the trail, so I never research places too much. When I arrived there, I did go crazy! The mountains and views were incredible; so powerful and peaceful at the same time. No words for this. The next day, I told everybody I passed walking north “Man, you will go crazy when you see Goat Rocks, they are stunning!”

Day 16 (51,9 km) – Tons of day-hikers on the trail, all of them were really kind to me;

Day 17 (38 km) – Just walking;

Day 18 ( 36 km) – Goat Rocks;

Day 19 (39 km) – Walked all day with Mount Adams and its glacier views, crazy beautiful;

Day 20 (25,5 km) – The night I camped with the most people until now, 6.

– I am travelling with Iati Seguros, if you buy any of its insurance through any link on my blog you get 5% discount.  

– All the pictures with Samsung Galaxy S10.

This as all the other articles on this site are translated by my good friend Devo Forbes!!

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